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  • Can I attend only 1 of the sessions?
    All sessions of the selected workshops are mandatory to attend to be able to learn the practice in its entirety.
  • Why is the course so expensive?
    Please consider you are learning a lifelong practice from one of the purest lineages of classical hatha Yoga. Immediately after the workshop, you will be equipped to do the practice on your own and recurring classes are not required thereby you save money in the long run. We also provide unlimited support in terms of corrections sessions, guidance etc etc.
  • Is there an installment option available?
    Yes. We have a flexible payment scheme on request and also an installment option for those with a mandiri bank account.
  • Do you have yoga classes for children?
    We do have workshops for children, please express your interest on this form to help us schedule accordingly.
  • Which workshop should I join?
    You can book a 30-minute 1 on 1 Consultation Session with our Hatha Yoga Teacher. This will help us understand your requirements and suggest which workshop is best suited for you . Clickhere.
  • I have health issues, / have recent surgery / have pain or injury, can i do the practices?"
    Before signing up, it is very important to consult your doctor.
  • I'm not flexible enough and have not done any prior yoga class before...
    No prior experience of Yoga is required for most of our workshops. Most important requirement is the willingness to learn. Flexibility will come over time.
  • Can yoga help me lose weight?
    Losing weight is only a side effect of doing yoga. It is not an exercise form to gain fitness or lose weight it has the potential to transform you on a deeper level.
  • Will Yoga conflict with my religion?
    Yoga is a science or a tool for wellness through self transformation which is for everyone. It has nothing to do with any religion or belief system.
  • Can I eat or drink before class?
    Most of our practices require empty or light stomach conditions.
  • What clothes should I wear?
    Loose comfortable clothes suitable for Yoga practice made from natural fibres.
  • Do I need to bring a mat?
    It is best to bring your own mat. We also have cotton yoga mats available for sale.
  • I'm finding it difficult to keep up with my practices regularly, do you offer any support?"
    • We have regular practice at the studio and a membership program. • After every workshop, you will be added into a Whatsapp group where your questions or doubts will be answered and you will have access to motivational discussions from fellow participants, etc. • We have a sadhana day every first Saturday of the month where you can do your practices in a conducive environment in presence of a trained teacher.
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